Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Minks - Van Gundy (2002)

When I was younger, I was in a band called The Oldskoolerz. And I use the word "band" in the absolute loosest sense of the word. The band was made up of my brother and myself, and our friend Derek "Movie" Murray. My brother was on guitar, I was on bass, and Derek was on buckets, yeah, buckets, we didn't have drums, nor did any of us know how to play our instruments, so Derek hit buckets with twigs we broke off of trees. We played one show, and recorded a whole bunch of noise on our computer. Our "songs" were just us playing completely randomly without actually ever being in tune or on time, and my brother and I would take turns yelling something, it was awful.

Around the same time we were around, there was another band in town called The Minks. One of the members of The Minks lived down the street from the house I lived in, so we decided to start a band rivalry with them, except they were a real band, and we sucked. Eventually, when The Oldskoolerz would get together to jam we would spend half the time we should have spent working on songs and trying to learn our instruments making stupid packages that we would drop off at Adrian from The Minks house. These packages included burnt cd's with "songs" we had recorded on them, contracts we would write up challenging them to various duels (games of frisbee seemed to be our most popular challenge to them), and pretty much just whatever random shit we would think of or find around the house. These packages were almost always stuffed into pizza boxes. Now, The Minks, were older than us, cooler than us, and a hell of a lot better at song writing than us, but we were young and thought we were pretty awesome, and eventually in our young naive minds at least, we thought that our silly fun and games had escalated to a serious rivalry. In reality, everyone knew we sucked and thought it was kind of funny I think, but we got a little worked up over it, and at the climax, I had about 10 people I went to jr. high with "boycott" The Minks.

Eventually, The Oldskoolerz broke up, and we stopped caring. I was in a new band(which the drummer of The Minks sister was also in very very briefly), and actually started getting pretty decent at bass guitar. I was a little older and was getting into "cooler" music. The Minks turned out to be one of my favorite local bands, and to this day I still listen to their album every now and then. I think they're probably on of the best local bands that was around back then. They play early Weezer influenced power-pop, they put out an EP and a full length while they were around. Here's there full length:

1. The Big Drag
2. Is That You Dad?
3. Say Your Prayers
4. Winter
5. Fountain Song
6. Living By The Sea
7. I Think I'd Grow Better In The Sun
8. Steamboat
9. This Is The Enemy
10. Square Lines
11. Secret Everything

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